
职     务:博士后








2007.9-2011.7 南京林业大学,土木工程学院,给水排水工程专业,工学学士



2017.7-2019.9 香港理工大学,土木及环境系,研究助理


  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,城市雨水系统光滑粒子动力学模拟理论研究,2018.01-2021.12,参加

  2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,城市排水管网运行状态微机电技术诊断理论与应用,2020.01-2023.12,参加

  3. 香港研究资助局 (RGC-HK)项目,Air-Water Two-Phase Flows in Urban Stormwater Drainage Systems,2014-2018,主要研究人员

  4. ECS and RGC-HK,Investigation of Transient Water-Air Flows in Drainage Pipelines,2017-2019,主要研究人员

  5. TBRS and RGC-HK,Smart Urban Water Supply Systems (Smart UWSS), 2016-2020,参与



  1. Li, F.and Duan, H.F.* (2016) Transient analysis of air cavity advancing in drainage pipelines. The 20th IAHR-APD Conference, 28-31 Aug. 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

  2. Duan, H.F.*,Li, F., Tao, T. ^ and Li, S.P. (2016) Probabilistic analysis based multi-objective optimal design of detention tanks for flooding control in the urban stormwater drainage system. The 20th IAHR-APD Conference, 28-31 Aug. 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

  3. Yan, H.X., Duan, H.F.*,Li, F., Tao, T. ^, Xin, K.L. ^ and Li, S.P. (2016) Extension of the sph-based water hammer model to complex series-pipeline systems. The 20th IAHR-APD Conference, 28-31 Aug. 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.


  1. Li, F., Yan, X. F., & Duan, H. F. (2019). Sustainable Design of Urban Stormwater Drainage Systems by Implementing Detention Tank and LID Measures for Flooding Risk Control and Water Quality Management. Water Resources Management, 1-18.

  2. Zhu, Y., Duan, H.F.*,Li, F., Wu, C.G., Yuan, Y.X. and Shi, Z.F. (2018) Experimental and numerical study on transient air-water mixing flows in viscoelastic pipes. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 56(6), 877–887

  3. Duan, H. F.*,Li, F.and Tao, T.^ (2016) Multi-objective optimal design of detention tanks in the urban stormwater drainage system: uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Water Resources Management, 30(7), 2213-2226.

  4. Duan, H.F.*,Li, F.and Yan, H.X. (2016) Multi-objective optimal design of detention tanks in the urban stormwater drainage system: LID implementation and analysis. Water Resources Management, 30(13), 4635-4648.

  5. Li, F., Duan, H. F.*, Yan, H.X. and Tao, T. ^ (2015) Multi-objective optimal design of detention tanks in the urban stormwater drainage system: Framework development and case study. Water Resources Management, 29(7), 2125-2137.

  6. Xin, K.L. ,Li, F., Tao, T., Xiang, N., and Yin, Z. (2015) Water losses investigation and evaluation in water distribution system– the case of SA city in China. Urban Water Journal, 12(5): 430-439.

  7. Xin, K.L. , Tao, T. ^, Lu, Y., Xiong, X., andLi, F.(2014) Apparent Losses Analysis in District Metered Areas of Water Distribution Systems. Water Resources Management, 28(3), 683-696.

  8. Tao, T. , Huang, H.,Li, F., and Xin, K. ^ (2013) Burst Detection Using an Artificial Immune Network in Water-Distribution Systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 140(10), 04014027.

  9. 李飞, 陶涛, 莫镇华, 周超(2013). 防治城市内涝的主要挑战及技术. 中国市政工程, z1, 38-41.

  10. 李飞, 陶涛. (2012). 供水管网漏损评估与控制方法. 中国给水排水, 28(18), 35-39.


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