
职     务:副教授
博士/硕士导师: 博士生导师



校内外学术及行政兼职:《 Water Research》、《Journal of Hydrology》、《Water Resources Management》、《 Water Science and Technology》同行评阅人;住建部高等学校给排水科学与工程学科专业指导委员会市政工程学科青年学者委员会委员。


2009/09-2013/05,INSA de Lyon,DEEP实验室,市政工程,工学博士




2015年9月至今 同济大学 环境科学与工程学院 市政工程系

2016年11至2017年12 住房城乡建设部建筑节能与科技司(借调)

2014年10至2015年8月 香港理工大学,土木及环境系,博士后

2013年6月至2014年4月 法国里昂国立应用科学学院,博士后


  1. 溴酸盐去除多级屏障处理及供水管网水质安全保障技术研究,“十三五”国家水专项子课题,2017-2020,

  2. 基于靶向寻的移动监测的供水管网模型动态校核,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2019-2021,

  3. 雨水调蓄池颗粒污染物动态迁移形态与截留机制研究,上海自然科学基金, 2017-2020,

  4. 暴雨条件下城市排水管道系统气水混合瞬变流压力冲击的影响因素识别及应用研究 ,住建部科技计划项目, 2018-2020;

  5. 基于非恒定流多相流动态模拟雨水调蓄池去污影响因子识别研究,同济大学青年优秀人才培养项目, 2015-2018,

  6. 复杂水力条件下雨水调蓄池颗粒污染物动态迁移机制研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目, 2017-2018,

  7. 城市基础设施的可持续发展--水资源的有效城市化,香港理工大学亚洲大学联盟邀请研究基金项目,2016-2017.



  1. Yan H, Vosswinkel N, Ebbert S, Kouyi GL, Mohn R, Uhl M and Bertrand-Krajewski J-L (2020). Numerical investigation of particles' transport, deposition and resuspension under unsteady conditions in constructed stormwater ponds. Environmental Sciences Europe 32(1).

  2. Yan H, Wang Q, Wang J, Xin K*., Tao T., Li S.P.,A simple but robust convergence trajectory controlled method for pressure driven analysis in water distribution system , Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 659 (1): 983-994.

  3. Yan H, Kouyi GL, Gonzalez-Merchan C, Becouze-Lareure C, Sebastian C, Barraud S and Bertrand-Krajewski J-L (2014). Computational fluid dynamics modelling of flow and particulate contaminants sedimentation in an urban stormwater detention and settling basin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(8): 5347-5356.

  4. Yan H, Kouyi GL and Bertrand-Krajewski J-L (2013). 3D numerical modeling of settling and resuspension of particulate pollutants under unsteady conditions in a stormwater detention and settling tank. Houille Blanche-Revue Internationale De L Eau(5): 54-61.

  5. Yan H, Kouyi GL and Bertrand-Krajewski J-L (2011). 3D numerical modeling of turbulent flows with free surface and particulate pollutants transport in a retention-settling tank. Houille Blanche-Revue Internationale De L Eau(5): 40-44.

  6. Wang J,Yan H#,Xin K and Tao T (2020). Risk assessment methodology for iron stability under water quality factors based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. Environmental Sciences Europe 32(1).

  7. Xu W, Zhou X, Xin K*, Boxall J,Yan H*and Tao T (2020). Disturbance Extraction for Burst Detection in Water Distribution Networks Using Pressure Measurements. Water Resources Research 56(5).

  8. Wang J,Yan H#, Xin K and Tao T (2019). Iron stability on the inner wall of prepared polyethylene drinking pipe: Effects of multi-water quality factors. Science of the Total Environment 658: 1006-1012.

  9. Sun L,Yan H*,Xin K and Tao T (2019). Contamination source identification in water distribution networks using convolutional neural network. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(36): 36786-36797.

  10. Zhang K,Yan H#, Zeng H, Xin K and Tao T (2019). A practical multi-objective optimization sectorization method for water distribution network. Science of the Total Environment 656: 1401-1412.

  11. Liu J,Yan H#, Liao Z, Zhang K, Schmidt AR and Tao T (2019). Laboratory analysis on the surface runoff pollution reduction performance of permeable pavements. Science of the Total Environment 691: 1-8.

  12. Zhou X, Xu W, Xin K,Yan H*,and Tao T. Self-adaptive Calibration of Real Time Demand and Roughness of Water Distribution Systems,Water resources research, 2018, 54(8):5536-5550.

  13. Xin K,·Zhou X,·Qian H,Yan H*,Tao T(2018). Chlorine-Age Based Booster Chlorination Optimization in Water Distribution Network Considering the Uncertainty of Residuals. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply.

  14. Sun S,Yan H, Lipeme Kouyi G. (2014). Artificial neural network modelling in simulation of complex flow at open channel junctions based on large data sets. Environmental Modelling & Software. 62, 178–187.

  15. Li F, Duan HF, Yan H, Tao T. (2015). Multi-Objective Optimal Design of Detention Tanks in the Urban Stormwater Drainage System: Framework Development and Case Study. Water Resources Management. (2015) 29,2125–2137

  16. Duan HF, Li F, Yan H. (2016). Multi-Objective Optimal Design of Detention Tanks in the Urban Stormwater Drainage System: LID Implementation and Analysis. Water Resources Management.

  17. Ping He, Tao Tao, Kunlun Xin, Shuping Li, and Hexiang Yan. (2016). Modelling Water Distribution Systems with Deficient Pressure: An Improved Iterative Methodology, Water Resources Management, 30(2):593-606.

  18. 陶涛,颜合想,李树平,信昆仑, 城市雨水管理模型关键问题探讨一:汇流模型.给水排水,2017,43(3):36-40.

  19. 陶涛,颜合想,李树平,信昆仑, 城市雨水管理模型关键问题探讨二:下渗模型.给水排水,2017,43(9):115-119.

  20. 陶涛,颜合想,李树平,信昆仑, 城市雨水管理模型关键问题探讨三: 低影响开发模拟.给水排水,2018,44(3):131-135.

  21. 赵康乾,颜合想*,王荫茵,陶涛,降雨雨型和强度对SWMM模型参数局部灵敏度的影响分析,净水技术,37(3):95-101.

  22. 颜合想,刘遂庆,信昆仑,深井供水管网中沙水水质数学模型的建立及应用,中国给水排水,2011,26(1):47 ~ 50

  23. 颜合想,李龙云,信昆仑. (2008). 基于ArcGIS从AutoCAD获取供水管网模型高程的研究. 供水技术,2(6), 22-25.

  24. 姚娟娟, 颜合想, 张智, 张勤.(2006). 重庆小城市居民用水状况研究.重庆建筑大学学报,28(6),84-87.

  25. Yan H., Lipeme Kouyi G., Bertrand-Krajewski J.-L. (2011). 3D modelling of flow, solid transport and settling processes in a large stormwater detention basin. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, 11-16 September 2011, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

  26. H. Yan, G. Lipeme Kouyi, J. L. Bertrand-Krajewski. (2012). Surface roughness effect on near bed Turbulent Kinetic Energy in a large stormwater detention basin. The 9th international Joint IWA/IAHR Conference on Urban Drainage Modeling, 4-6 September, Belgrade, Serbia.

  27. HX. Yan, HF. Duan, F. Li, SQ. Liu. T. Tao, KL. Xin, SP. Li. (2016). Extension of the SPH-based water hammer model to complex pipe systems. 20th Congress of the Asia Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro Environment Engineering & Research, IAHR APD 2016, 28 – 31,August, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

  28. Hexiang Yan, Kangqian Zhao, Tao Tao, Kunlun Xin, Shuping Li. (2016) A CFD-based level sensor location optimization method for overflow discharge estimation in CSO. 2016 International Low Impact Development Conference. 26-29, June, 2016, Beijing.

  29. Huan-Feng Duan, Hexiang Yan, Fei Li, Qingzhi Hou, Tao TAO, Kunlun XIN & Shuping LI. (2017) Development and Evaluation of Meshless Particle Methods for Modelling and Analysis of Transient Pipe Flows. E-proceedings of the 37th IAHR World Congress, August 13-18, 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


  1. 供水管网爆管风险评价软件(TRWDN),2015.12.,中国,软件登字第1161989号

  2. 农村集约化供水管网水质模拟软件(CountyWaterNet),2015.12.,中国,软件登字第1161983号

  3. 供水管网多节协同加氯优化软件(OPOBC),2020.4,中国,软件登字第5228989号


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